Roger Salloom – The Town Crier

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Warning: This page contains political opinions. Roger wants to express his deep concerns about the state of our country. If political opinions bother you, you may not want to continue reading. In the 18th Century this job was performed by the Town Crier. Click here to learn more about their role in earlier cultures.

This page is a live, dynamic page for Roger Salloom to share his thoughts, music, and deep convictions about the state of our world. It will be changing from time to time as Roger has something he wants and needs to share.

In fact the song below, “Not Here Nor There,” will change too. New “episodes” of the song will be created as situations warrant. Please bookmark this page and you will be notified of the latest proclamations from the “Town Crier,” Roger Salloom.

Roger Salloom - Not Here Nor There
Roger Salloom – “Not Here Nor There” – a work in progress.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye – 3/14/22

For decades I have been singing an obscure Bob Dylan protest song from the 60’s, Playboys and Playgirls. Because it was “dated” a bit, that is, not so pertinent to our political and national issues, I began to slowly alter the lyrics.

When we went for copyright clearance, Bob’s publishers were politely telling me that “Bob does not like his lyrics changed.”

It is my sincere opinion that Bob would have recognized that his wonderful song was not so timely, and would have allowed the changes. However, I thought it simpler and safer just to write a new song, so I did. It is somewhat similar in spirit to Bob’s late 60’s protest song, “Playboys and Playgirls”. An informed source told me that Bob derived some of it from a song which preceded his.

My version, “Not Here Nor Anywhere,” touches on persistent, endemic, issues which have become mean-spirited, unseemly, deeply provoking, even criminal — unpleasant issues which perturb decent, thoughtful, people. I felt a need to reassure good people that they can have my musical and lyrical support.
The song is simple musically but more complex lyrically than it first appears. The last 1/4 of it is spontaneous commentary from the songwriter…what infuriates me, what I find repugnant.
I have had a great time developing this song and I believe, over time, I will surely add to it.

The fact is that some politicians and others are very simply lying to you. They are trying to deceive you or any one with “gaslighting. My job is to speak the truth and speak to you as you might feel it all.

I get as perturbed as you do when you see someone telling lies or saying crazy mean-spirited things… ie, national and world class lies. I need a place for me to vent and where I might possibly comfort you.

Some people say Woody Guthrie wrote :

“A folksinger’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

I was doing a bill with Pete Seeger and he said to me backstage:”Put ethics into your songs.”  Pete also told me to get people to sing-a-long because it makes them feel good.

So, here it is… feel free to sing along!


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Other Political Songs

Roger has written other songs that express his concerns for the state of our country. Some of them are below.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_audio audio=”″ title=”Gotta Stop Killing” artist_name=”Roger Salloom” _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_audio][et_pb_video src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_video][et_pb_video src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.7″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_video][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]






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